August 03 2022

And why not do virtual tourism?

Visiting a city, a place, immersing yourself in 360-degree photos or videos, dragging just his finger on the image, clicking on it with the left button mouse, using VR headset , or its smartphone coupled with a cardboard, it has been possible for a long time and technical progress allow a fluid and playful experience.
Without long journeys, without jet lag, without bulky luggage and without too much CO2
So enjoy!

pont Alexandre lll
Clic/tap and drag a finger on the picture or drag/clic left mouse button

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May 30 2022

When artificial intelligence creates real art

The areas of application of artificial intelligence are ever more extensive after medicine, scientific research, financial prediction, and even - this is more controversial - criminal prediction à la "Minority report" For some years now, the French collective Obvious, is working on the concept, using A.I. to compile tens of thousands of images to compose works of disturbing beauty. some paintings sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars at auction. A new laboratory, Midjourney Ai, pursues the concept by offering a "work generator". all you have to do is suggest keywords, and in a short time, artificial intelligence offers a perfectly coherent and often very beautiful composition
L.L. Matrix
Created by a I.A. Keywords “what if Wes Anderson made The Matrix?”

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welcome to my site, professional in interior architecture, 3d visualization and design, curious and enthusiastic,
I share with you a selection of topics that interest me, and offers you a collection of exclusive handmade objects Enjoy!
Laurent Leger


I offer my view on what vibrates in the art of living, high tech and the spirit of the times, as well that my news

Headline: Why not to do virtual tourism?

What if the new Francis Bacon lived in the Matrix?